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EMERCOM-DEMINING Center of Humanitarian Demining and Special Blasting Operations

Main activities
Completed projects
24 years old
Work in Russia and abroad
39 082 723 m²
Очищено территории от ВОП
190 000 m²
Проведены мероприятий по управлению качеством


Is well-known Russian company which 20 years working in the field of humanitarian demining. During this time we have accumulated invaluable and internationally accepted experience in strict compliance with International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).

Proof of this is the fact that «EMERCOM-Demining» was selected as General Operator and Executor of a number of International Demining Projects of EMERCOM of Russia.


МЫ являемся исполнителем многих
международных проектов по
гуманитарному разминированию.


МЫ оказываем содействие
российским поисковым организациям по поиску
останков без вести пропавших
и незахороненных погибших воинов.